Super Bowl Snacks

posted in: Signs | 0

Super Bowl Sunday is coming up. If you’ve already bought the chips, I know where you can buy the dip.

Hurricane Ian

posted in: Beach | 0

Yesterday, Hurricane Ian slammed into South Carolina. Also yesterday, Wordle.

A Bear!

posted in: Summer | 0

Yes, I know I always post about the sights here in the neighborhood. And no, the bear is not one of them. We actually saw the bear near Table Rock State Park last weekend. But still, when you see a … Continued

A Tale of Two Snowmen

posted in: Winter | 0

We had enough snow this week to build two snowmen. Snowman #1 was a car snowman — a snowman built from the thin layer of snow that covered our car. We named him Herbie. Snowman #2 was a yard snowman. … Continued

Snow Day!

posted in: Winter | 0

It snowed here yesterday! Oh, it wasn’t much snow by most measures. But this is South Carolina. We think ANY amount of snow is magical! Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!


posted in: Holidays | 0

Our good and faithful elf joined the household when my oldest was 4. She turned 16 today. She might not think about the elf much anymore, but he still thinks about her.

Blog in Review 2017

posted in: Writing | 0

So, the end of the year is upon us once again. Time to do another “Blog in Review” post to look at the most popular stories of this year. (Or last year, actually, for some of these same posts were … Continued

Polly Sally

posted in: Fall, Holidays | 0

Last year, I posted a Throwback Thursday picture of the Halloween pumpkins Daughter #1 named when she was four. There must be something about that age. When Daughter #2 was four a couple of years ago, she also named the … Continued


posted in: Nancy Drews-day Tuesday, Writing | 0

There are two recurring characters in the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories who always make an entrance together. Bess and George? Sure. But this time, I’m talking about Ned’s friends, Burt and Dave. “Here we are!” husky, blond Burt Eddleton exclaimed … Continued

Hidden Panels

posted in: Nancy Drews-day Tuesday | 0

“Suddenly a panel in the wall slid open” And that, my friends, is why I spent a lot of time looking for hidden panels in my childhood home. Nancy Drew seemed to find a hidden panel everywhere she looked — … Continued

Turtles #10, #11 and #12

posted in: Nikki | 0

Three more turtles have now entered the Turtle Relocation Program. In a nice change of pace (for us, but most especially for the turtles!), our dog Nikki did not bring these turtles into the den. In fact, Nikki was not … Continued

Quaint Slave Cabins

posted in: Nancy Drews-day Tuesday | 0

My favorite Nancy Drew Mystery Stories were always the ones in which Nancy leaves River Heights for some more exotic locale. It could be just down the river, like Lilac Inn, or it could be much farther away–like Shadow Ranch … Continued

Dangerous Company

posted in: Nancy Drews-day Tuesday | 0

I’ve said many times that Nancy Drew is perfect. But don’t take my word for it. Let’s see how author Carolyn Keene describes her in The Haunted Bridge: Nancy was an only child, but the fact that she had neither … Continued

When Danger Calls

posted in: Nancy Drews-day Tuesday | 0

My daughters will never know a world without cell phones. Or without the neighborhood cell phone tower. It would amaze them to know that Nancy Drew not only managed to survive, but actually thrive, in a world without cell phones. … Continued


posted in: Nancy Drews-day Tuesday | 0

“Hypers, Nancy, I don’t know how to talk to a doctor of archaeology.” Any avid Nancy Drew fan will know exactly who said that in The Clue of the Black Keys. It’s George, and she’s using her favorite expression. How … Continued

Blog in Review 2016

posted in: Writing | 0

So, the end of the year is upon us. Time to do a “Blog in Review” post to look at the most popular stories of the year. Maybe this will help me see what types of posts you’d like to … Continued

It’s a Nikki-versary!

posted in: Nikki | 0

One year ago, we brought Nikki home—and look at her now! We’ve managed to survive a full year with this little rascal, although several pairs of socks, a washcloth and many, many ponytail holders did not. Happy anniversary, Nikki!

Unacceptable Behavior

posted in: Nikki | 0

So what has Nikki torn up now? That would be my daughter’s school Code of Conduct booklet. You know, the one that lists inappropriate behavior. The one that lists offenses that could result in suspensions from one to ten days, … Continued

A Dog Party!

posted in: Nikki | 0

You’re almost there! Stop at that tree. Climb that ladder to … a dog party! That’s the ending to P.D. Eastman’s classic Go, Dog, Go! (Oops, perhaps I should have put a spoiler alert before that.) Anyway, have you ever … Continued

Meet the Pumpkins

posted in: Fall, Holidays | 0

This is a Throwback Thursday post to the year when Daughter #1 was four and decided to name our Halloween pumpkins. Meet Rainbow, White Sunshine and Orange Love. Given those names, you might think my daughter dressed up as a … Continued


posted in: Nancy Drews-day Tuesday | 0

“If I ever try to solve a mystery with a ghost in it, I’ll use a smart cat to help me!” Nancy Drew remarked laughingly. “Cats aren’t afraid of ghosts. Did you know that, Togo?” And so The Ghost of … Continued

Spend it All…

posted in: Writing | 0

There are several pieces of writing advice that I find myself returning to again and again, and this quote from Annie Dillard is something I’ve been reminding myself of lately. One of the few things I know about writing is … Continued

Turtle #8

posted in: Nikki | 0

Yes, Nikki brought yet another turtle into the house. And yes, he quickly entered the Turtle Relocation Program as Turtle #8. Isn’t it about time for these things to start hibernating?


posted in: Fall, Nancy Drews-day Tuesday | 0

One of the most iconic symbols of fall is the scarecrow. My family sees scarecrows at all the happy places we go in the fall: apple orchards, pumpkin patches, harvest festivals. A couple of years ago, we even made our … Continued

Turtle #7

posted in: Nikki | 0

Yes, we have a new entrant into the Turtle Relocation Program. Nikki made another backyard friend — another one who just doesn’t want to play as much as she does. So Turtle #7 has a nice new home now, like … Continued

I Must Confess

posted in: Nancy Drews-day Tuesday | 0

Part of the fun of the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories is seeing the criminals collapse under pressure and confess all. Oh, they try the silent treatment at first. But usually the criminals are so overwhelmed by Nancy’s superior abilities, they … Continued


posted in: Nancy Drews-day Tuesday | 0

Clams by the bushel, Clams by the lot, Clams for the kettle, Clams for the pot. Quick, which Nancy Drew character sang this song in The Clue in the Crumbling Wall? If you’re a diehard fan, you’ll know. But the … Continued


posted in: Nikki | 0

Nikki with a ball is a picture of pure joy. She loves her balls so much she could — and does — chase them for hours. First, she drops her ball. Then she dashes out into the yard and waits … Continued


posted in: Nancy Drews-day Tuesday | 0

My childhood set of Nancy Drews was a rather motley assortment of books. Some were bought new, and some were used. Most of them were the modern, yellow-spine versions, but some had tweed covers. Even some of the “new” books … Continued

Two and a Half Squid

posted in: Beach, Summer | 0

Sounds like a bad TV show, doesn’t it? But that’s exactly what I saw when I was walking on Pawleys Island yesterday. That half a squid has me wondering… What do you think? Is this simply fish bait that someone … Continued

Aunt Eloise

posted in: Holidays, Nancy Drews-day Tuesday | 0

Not only is it Nancy Drewsday, but it’s also Aunt and Uncle’s Day, so let’s give a shout out to Miss Eloise Drew – Carson Drew’s schoolteacher sister. Nancy loves spending time with Aunt Eloise, whether it’s in her New York … Continued

Nikki’s Boxes

posted in: Nikki | 0

  Nikki loves boxes. Shoeboxes, shipping boxes … even box turtles. There is nothing better than going outside to enjoy a good shoebox in the sunshine. Unless it is going back inside to enjoy a good shoebox in the air … Continued

The Summer Office

posted in: Summer, Writing | 0

The hummingbird feeder is hung. The birdbath is filled. The hydrangea is blooming. And the office assistant is in place (but still not trained.) The summer office is open for business!

Turtle #5

posted in: Holidays, Nikki | 0

So. Nikki finds box turtles in the back yard – and brings them into the house. At first I simply picked them off the den floor and put them out the front door. Surely a turtle with any sense would … Continued

Introducing Nikki

posted in: Nikki | 0

Here’s Nikki when she first came to live with us. She was about 6 weeks old and deceptively cute. Now she is seven months old, and a 20-pound bundle of BAD. Don’t let this picture fool you. Do not look … Continued