
posted in: Nancy Drews-day Tuesday | 0

“If I ever try to solve a mystery with a ghost in it, I’ll use a smart cat to help me!” Nancy Drew remarked laughingly. “Cats aren’t afraid of ghosts. Did you know that, Togo?” And so The Ghost of … Continued


posted in: Fall, Nancy Drews-day Tuesday | 0

One of the most iconic symbols of fall is the scarecrow. My family sees scarecrows at all the happy places we go in the fall: apple orchards, pumpkin patches, harvest festivals. A couple of years ago, we even made our … Continued

I Must Confess

posted in: Nancy Drews-day Tuesday | 0

Part of the fun of the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories is seeing the criminals collapse under pressure and confess all. Oh, they try the silent treatment at first. But usually the criminals are so overwhelmed by Nancy’s superior abilities, they … Continued


posted in: Nancy Drews-day Tuesday | 0

Clams by the bushel, Clams by the lot, Clams for the kettle, Clams for the pot. Quick, which Nancy Drew character sang this song in The Clue in the Crumbling Wall? If you’re a diehard fan, you’ll know. But the … Continued


posted in: Nancy Drews-day Tuesday | 0

My childhood set of Nancy Drews was a rather motley assortment of books. Some were bought new, and some were used. Most of them were the modern, yellow-spine versions, but some had tweed covers. Even some of the “new” books … Continued

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