Nikki with a ball is a picture of pure joy. She loves her balls so much she could — and does — chase them for hours. First, she drops her ball. Then she dashes out into the yard and waits … Continued
Children's Book Author
Nikki with a ball is a picture of pure joy. She loves her balls so much she could — and does — chase them for hours. First, she drops her ball. Then she dashes out into the yard and waits … Continued
Hooray for rescue dogs! The rescue organization said Nikki is a spaniel mix. I’m thinking border collie/dachshund, instead. Any other guesses?
Nikki has a new ball. Life is good. That is all.
Nikki loves boxes. Shoeboxes, shipping boxes … even box turtles. There is nothing better than going outside to enjoy a good shoebox in the sunshine. Unless it is going back inside to enjoy a good shoebox in the air … Continued
Nikki showed up in the Summer Office, rarin’ to go. She is now under the table, having long since given up on the idea that I’ll actually “do something.” Such is the life of a writer’s dog.
So far this year, we’ve only lost two pairs of flip flops to Nikki. I’d say that’s worth celebrating.
Here’s Nikki when she first came to live with us. She was about 6 weeks old and deceptively cute. Now she is seven months old, and a 20-pound bundle of BAD. Don’t let this picture fool you. Do not look … Continued