Lizard Man Santa
Whenever I see the elusive Lizard Man in the neighborhood, I get excited. After all, I wrote a book about him. Did you know he’s actually not that elusive during the holidays? You might think that’s strange, but I guess … Continued
Children's Book Author
Whenever I see the elusive Lizard Man in the neighborhood, I get excited. After all, I wrote a book about him. Did you know he’s actually not that elusive during the holidays? You might think that’s strange, but I guess … Continued
So, the Christmas Octopus has started making visits to our neighborhood, and I’m not sure how I feel about that. At first, he seems all jolly and everything, hanging out with Olaf and Mickey Mouse and the rest. But when … Continued
In this, the Year of the Pig, everything I post seems to revolve around Piggly Wiggly. For every holiday, it seems there’s a matching Piggly Wiggly mood — from Independence Day to Halloween. So it should come as absolutely no … Continued
It’s the week after Halloween, which is usually a sad time in the neighborhood. Carved pumpkins are tossed to the curb, where they forlornly await trash pickup. But this little fellow doesn’t look too sad. In fact, he looks downright … Continued
I’m sorry, but this has to be the neighborhood’s most UNscary Halloween decoration of all time. And, no, the exclamation point doesn’t help.
It’s almost Halloween: Time to go to the pumpkin patch. And in the Year of the Pig, where else would we go? Piggly Wiggly, of course.
I’ve talked before about how we tell the changing of the seasons here by the changing of the Piggly Wiggly signs. Well, it looks like it’s almost Independence Day! Happy 4th of July, from our neighborhood to yours!
I caught a glimpse of the neighborhood leprechaun today, probably up to some kind of mischief. Funny, he’s a lot bigger than I thought he’d be.
Happy Chinese New Year! It’s the Year of the Pig, and that seems kind of fitting, because here in the neighborhood, we follow the changing of seasons by the changing of the Piggly Wiggly signs. Here’s what a typical year … Continued
Honestly, sometimes these blog posts just write themselves. Happy New Year from my neighborhood to yours!