Blog in Review 2017

posted in: Writing | 0

So, the end of the year is upon us once again. Time to do another “Blog in Review” post to look at the most popular stories of this year. (Or last year, actually, for some of these same posts were … Continued


posted in: Nancy Drews-day Tuesday, Writing | 0

There are two recurring characters in the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories who always make an entrance together. Bess and George? Sure. But this time, I’m talking about Ned’s friends, Burt and Dave. “Here we are!” husky, blond Burt Eddleton exclaimed … Continued

Blog in Review 2016

posted in: Writing | 0

So, the end of the year is upon us. Time to do a “Blog in Review” post to look at the most popular stories of the year. Maybe this will help me see what types of posts you’d like to … Continued

Spend it All…

posted in: Writing | 0

There are several pieces of writing advice that I find myself returning to again and again, and this quote from Annie Dillard is something I’ve been reminding myself of lately. One of the few things I know about writing is … Continued

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