Sorting Hat
According to the neighborhood sorting hat, I’m a Ravenclaw! (Yeah, only Harry Potter fans will find this funny. And I’m not even sure about that.)
Children's Book Author
According to the neighborhood sorting hat, I’m a Ravenclaw! (Yeah, only Harry Potter fans will find this funny. And I’m not even sure about that.)
My neighborhood sits in the shadow of a giant volcano. Aerial photos hardly do justice to its imposing size. It is so big, all who stand at its base … appear to be no bigger than ants.
With all the spring flowers in bloom, the Carolinas are heaven on earth right now. It’s no wonder that South Carolina chose yellow jessamine as its state flower or that North Carolina chose dogwood. We Carolinians love to see our … Continued
It’s spring in South Carolina! All the signs are here: azaleas, dogwoods, yellow jessamine, wisteria, Lady Banks roses, irises, honeysuckle, violets, flowering cherries, periwinkle, Japanese magnolias. And pollen. Lots and lots of pollen.
We’ve all heard the old saying, “When the cat is away, the mice will play.” Well, apparently, the opposite is also true.
Here in the neighborhood, we pride ourselves on our manners. We say “Yes, ma’am.” We say “Thank you.” We wave to everybody and smile. That’s just how we were raised. Even our leaf piles are polite.
All kinds of people live in my neighborhood. Including stick people. They walk to school, ride the school bus, play at the park, take walks and hold down jobs. They’re just like the rest of us. Only skinnier.
2020 has not been a great year. To say the least. But the optimist in me knows that 2021 will be much better. We’ve already handled whatever 2020 could throw at us, and we got through it. We will rise. … Continued
Here in South Carolina, we are obsessed with Palmetto trees. So at Christmastime, it’s nice to see the rest of the world share our obsession. Oh, everyone else might think these are palm trees. But we know them for what … Continued
Everybody knows about Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. After all, he had a whole song written about him. He doesn’t need any more publicity. But it’s nice to see the Bumble getting a little attention from time to time. The Bumble? … Continued