A Bear!
Yes, I know I always post about the sights here in the neighborhood. And no, the bear is not one of them. We actually saw the bear near Table Rock State Park last weekend. But still, when you see a … Continued
Children's Book Author
Nikki was very disturbed to find a snakeskin in her backyard. (And quite frankly, so was I!)
Oh! It’s Marcelle, again. I can tell by the distinctive “Oh” on her shell. Looks like we’re becoming fast friends. Well, as fast as a turtle can get.
Some people crave convenience, while others crave experience. For example, some people might rather buy a pre-cut Christmas tree, while others might want to cut one at a tree farm. Some might rather buy strawberries at a farm stand, while … Continued
We named the last turtle we found in our yard Marcelle. That means that this one is named Not Marcelle. Duh.
I’m usually pretty happy when I walk down the streets of my neighborhood. Apparently, the streets are pretty happy, too.
The last turtle in our backyard to enter the Turtle Relocation Program was Turtle #12. Turtle #13 evaded capture and is still lurking out there somewhere… I did not take a picture of Turtle #14. I thought that would be … Continued
I thought I had come across a sea anemone in my neighborhood. By a path. In the woods. Far from the sea. Turns out it’s an anemone stinkhorn. Whatever it is, it’s pretty. And apparently, it’s pretty stinky.
The Lizard Man used to skulk. Prowl. Hide. But now he seems to — dare I say it? — frolic. First he joined in on the Christmas festivities. Then he began trick-or-treating through the neighborhood. Now he’s cavorting in the … Continued
Buzzards are known for their keen eyesight. They circle high above, looking down at the ground for scraps of meat. Carrion. Things the rest of us are too hoity-toity to eat. Isn’t this cheating?